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Business Review Interviewed AllBright Partners


Recently, Mr. Jianjun Zheng, partner at AllBright Law Offices was interviewed by Business Review. In this profile interview, Mr. Zheng shared his insight on issues and risks in Chinese enterprises doing oversea M&A business, and prospect, problems and legal risks of the Chinese sports industry and its recent popularity. For further information, please refer to http://www.ebusinessreview.cn/articledetail-287671.html,“Beyond the boundary to find China’s new ‘blue ocean’ [Profile]”, issued on Feb 13rd, 2017, Business Review.


Business Review was set up in 2002, the first magazine in China focusing on business. The magazine is dedicated to providing effective and practical management outlook, approaches, cases and solutions to Chinese enterprises in Chinese business environment, by cooperating with prestigious business schools and consulting intuitions around the world, researching on the most updated achievements and developing localized and advanced management methods. The magazine has entered into an exclusive copyright cooperation with MIT Sloan Management Review and was recognized as “The No.1 Magazine of management in China”.