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AllBright Lawyer Delivers Speech at China Family Law Legal Practices Forum


On June 21, 2014, AllBright Shenzhen Office partner and Shenzhen Lawyers Association Civil Law Committee Director Guo Xuanling delivered a speech on Legal Conflicts in Cross Cultural Marriage Family Disputes during the China Family Law Legal Practices Forum held in Beijing. The forum aimed to strengthen communication between the academic and practical aspects of family law, discuss the latest and key issues concerning the implementation of family law in China, including reform of family dispute resolution hearings and legislation, and helping to construct an effective Chinese family law legal system.

The forum, organized by the Renmin University of China and the China Family Law Association, attracted legal experts in family law, civil procedure law, and international private law and judges in China. About 170 participants joined the event, including media, NGO representatives and family lawyers from across the country.

Ms. Guo’s speech was well received by the audience.


AllBright Shenzhen Office partner and Shenzhen Lawyers Association Civil Law Committee Director Guo Xuanling delivers a speech on Legal Conflict of Cross Cultural Marriage Family Disputes at the China Family Law Legal Practices Forum held in Beijing.