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HOME > Global Network > Shanghai > News > Transactions and Cases > All Bright Law Offices Successfully Completed an Anti Trust Filing at MOFCOM for Its Client

All Bright Law Offices Successfully Completed an Anti Trust Filing at MOFCOM for Its Client


Wanxiang Resources Co., Ltd and Hartree Partners Singapore PTE. Limited jointly formed a joint venture in China Shanghai “Wanxiang Hartree Commodities Co., Ltd.” The joint venture company is mainly engaged in commodity trading business.

As entrusted by Wanxiang, All Bright Law Offices provided anti-trust filing legal services at MOFCOM for the formation of the joint venture.

With the efforts of Allbright anti-trust partner Susan Guo , the application was successfully completed at the Anti-Monopoly Bureau of MOFCOM with 20 days after the acceptance (except the public holidays in China). This is the second anti-trust filing at MOFCOM Allbright successfully completed recently for Wanxiang after the successful completion of the anti-trust filing for its establishment of the Huangzhou new energy joint venture between Wanxiang Group and Shanghai Automotive Group.