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Six Guidelines! Clarification of Enterprises' Anti-monopoly Compliance Boundaries



Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation


November 14, 2022


November 14, 2022


In order to implement the guiding principles of the 20th Communist Party's Conference, adapt to the new stage of development, apply the new vision for development, create a new development pattern, and better stimulate market vitality and support the development of market entities, Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation (SHAMR) compiled a series of six Guidelines, namely, Shanghai Guidelines for Concentration Notifications, Guidelines on Cooperation Within Antimonopoly Investigation, Guidelines on Leniency Program for Horizontal Agreements, Guidelines on Simplified Concentration Notifications Procedure, Guidelines on Case Titles Under Concentration Notifications, and Guidelines on Calculating Turnover of Financial Institutions in Concentration Notification (the “Six Guidelines”).


SHAMR complied with the newly revised Anti-Monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China, the Anti-Monopoly Compliance Guide for Business Operators, and the Guidelines for the Application of Leniency System for Horizontal Monopoly Agreement Cases in compiling these Six Guidelines, as such the Six Guidelines are in compliance with the policies contained within those provisions.


The Six Guidelines became effective the day it was issued.


