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HOME > Publications > Newsletter > SPC Issued Provisions Concerning Jurisdiction of Foreign-Related Cases

SPC Issued Provisions Concerning Jurisdiction of Foreign-Related Cases



The Supreme People's Court


November 15, 2022


January 1, 2023


On November 15, the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) released the Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Jurisdiction of Foreign-Related Civil and Commercial Cases (the “Provisions”), which shall take effect from January 1, 2023.


The Provisions, which consist of nine articles, clarify that foreign-related civil and commercial cases shall be governed by the tenet of delegating jurisdiction to the grassroots, instead of developing centralized jurisdiction. To be specific, non-significant foreign-related civil and commercial cases of first instance shall, in principle, be governed by the primary people's courts; cases over a certain value may be commenced in the jurisdiction of the intermediate people's courts, the applicable value for such cases in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Guangdong is CNY40 million or more, and the applicable standard in other regions is CNY20 million or more; the People's High Courts have jurisdiction at the first instance of foreign-related civil and commercial cases with a subject matter of CNY5 billion or more or where the matter has significant impact in the regions under their jurisdiction.


