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The “Belt and Road” International Publishing Cooperation Gains New Achievements



Xinhua News Agency 


April 4, 2023

China Academy of Press and Publication has recently released the Report on B&R Publishing Cooperation and Development (Volume IV) (“Report”), which highlights significant progress in copyright trade agreements between China and B&R countries from 2016 to 2021. The Report indicates a staggering 167% increase in the number of signed copyright trade agreements during this period. Additionally, since 2015, the Silk Road Book Publishing Project has funded nearly 3,000 projects, resulting in the export of copyright to over 80 countries and regions worldwide.

To foster academic, literary, and children's publishing cooperation, Chinese publishing units and B&R countries and regions have collaborated to establish joint platforms in key regions such as Central and Eastern Europe, ASEAN, and the Arab region. Moreover, the Literary Network of Belt and Road, initiated by the China Writers' Association, has received an enthusiastic response from literary organizations and scholars in many countries.


