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New Policies Released for Foreign Investment with Focus on Manufacturing Industry



National Development and Reform Commission

Ministry of Commerce

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Ministry of Natural Resources

Ministry of Ecology and Environment

Ministry of Transport


October 13, 2022


On October 13, 2022, with the approval of the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the Ministry of Transport jointly issued Several Policy Measures on Promoting the Expansion of Foreign Investment, Stabilizing Stock and Improving Quality with a Focus on Manufacturing (the “Measures”), further increasing the intensity of investment in the manufacturing industry, focusing on solving the outstanding problems faced by foreign-invested enterprises, comprehensively strengthening foreign investment promotion and services, and promoting the high-quality development of foreign capital.


The Measures implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on stabilizing foreign investment, and clarify the direction and key tasks of China's progress in the use of foreign capital at present and in the future: (1) optimize the investment environment and expand the increase of foreign investment; (2) strengthen investment services and stabilize the stock of foreign investment; and (3) guide the direction of investment and improve the quality of foreign investment.


