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HOME > News > Transactions and Cases > AllBright Advises on Capital Partnership Deal between Insigma and Cisco

AllBright Advises on Capital Partnership Deal between Insigma and Cisco


On January 29, 2013, Shanghai-listed Insigma Technology Co., Ltd (stock code: 600797) completed the first phase of its overseas capital partnership deal with Cisco Systems, Inc in the field of Smart City Internet. Insigma and Cisco have jointly made strategic investments to establish City Cloud International Co., Ltd, which is registered in Cayman Islands. The new joint venture’s wholly owned subsidiary in China will research, develop and sell Smart City Public Service Internet platforms and cloud computing services based on those platforms in the country.

AllBright advised Insigma on this project. Senior Partner Julia Zhu, Partner William Yang and Associate Ted Hu formed a work force in September, 2011, to represent Insigma in structure design, business negotiations and legal documentation, etc.