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Research Project Conducted by ALB was awarded Key Project of GAS


On April 24th, 2019, the “Sports Market Blacklist System Construction and Organizational Implementation Research”, which was jointly conducted by ALLBRIGHT Law Offices and the Shanghai Sports Bureau, was awarded the Key Project among “2019 Decision Consulting Research Project in General Administration of Sport of China”.


On April 24, 2019, the General Administration of Sport of China (“GAS”) issued a notice: According to the "Administrative Measures for Decision-making Consulting Research Projects of the General Administration of Sport of China", after expert review and social publicity, 72 items of decision-making consulting research projects for the GAS were finalized in 2019 (including 12 major projects, 31 key projects, and 29 general projects). ALLBRIGHT Law Offices and Shanghai Sports Bureau's "Sports Market Blacklist System Construction and Organizational Implementation Research" was selected as a "Key Project" (see the official media of the GAS http://www.sport.gov.cn/n316/n336/c902692/content.html).


The decision-making consulting research project is composed of Zheng Jianjun , a senior partner, Dr. Ye Fang , a senior partner , and Xue Qingjian , a senior lawyer of of ALLBRIGHT Law Offices conducted in-depth investigations and studies to provide advice and suggestions from the perspectives of law, supervision, and practice for the decision of the GAS to accelerate the construction of the sports credit system and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the national sports industry.


Previously, ALLBRIGHT Law Offices and the Shanghai Sports Bureau Law Office signed a formal cooperation agreement on the subject of conducting research on the "Shanghai Sports Market Blacklist Management Rules"

(see http:/CN/10454/81f0746ee7a88f28.aspx), the work was effectively carried out, and was further recognized by the GAS.