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HOME > News > Transactions and Cases > AllBright advises “Anysoft Information” on its IPO of A Shares and Listing on Shenzhen Stock Exchange

AllBright advises “Anysoft Information” on its IPO of A Shares and Listing on Shenzhen Stock Exchange


On December 13, 2016, as advised by AllBright lawyers, Hangzhou Anysoft Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter as “Anysoft Information”), with the stock abbreviation of “Anysoft Information” and stock code of “300571”, made its initial public offering of A shares and successfully got listed on the GEM of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Anysoft Information is a national high-tech enterprise established in November 2002. Since its establishment, Anysoft Information devotes itself in becoming a leading comprehensive value-added telecommunication service provider in China based on mobile internet integrating content, service and operation together. With its vast user group, propagation effect, technical R&D and content advantage, Anysoft Information uses its own branded product – “Huaxiazi” to directly provide its users with reading service or provide telecom operators with technical services and content services. In addition, Anysoft Information also provides user redirection service for websites and applications with relevant user groups and provides digital copyright distribution service for its cooperators by using its copyright resources. After years of operation, Anysoft Information has successfully built up a leading mobile reading platform with authorized edition focusing on audio reading, supplemented by text reading, animation and carton, game, music, education and other services, which provides high quality reading services for its users through PC portal, WAP portal, APP terminal and IVR.

AllBright team consists of senior partner ZHANG Xiaohong, partners LIANG Jin and WANG Shuo, senior associate SU Lili and associate YE Yuandi accepts the engagement of the Anysoft Information to provide all-sided legal services for its IPO.