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AllBright Chengdu Office Hosts Meeting to Reflect on 2014


On February 6, 2015, AllBright’s Chengdu office held a meeting to conclude 2014 and pave way for a sound and prosperous 2015.

AllBright Chengdu office partner Peter Fang briefed the participants about the Chengdu office’s business and achievements in 2014. Last year, the Chengdu office’s revenue topped a record 890 million RMB, up 20.95% year-on-year. Mr. Fang noted that AllBright achieved stable growth in 2014, maintained its leading position in its traditional strengths and made breakthroughs in non-litigation services. Mr. Fang wished AllBright Chengdu Office all the best and to make further breakthroughs in the new year.

Partner Yun Zhi proceeded on to brief the audience about the Chengdu office’s legal business in 2014, shared with them his experience and expertise in business development, legal innovation and marketing skills study and encouraged young AllBright lawyers to work hard and make further innovations.

Then, partner Anne Yang made a summary of the Chengdu office’s administration in 2014. She noted that the office has improved training initiatives, team building efforts, and strengthened AllBright’s corporate culture. 

She expects the administrative team to keep up the good work in 2015. Partner Helen Zhang outlined the Chengdu office’s 2014 financial affairs. She praised the financial affairs team’s efforts on VAT reform. In the end, partner Jane Lu briefed the participants about lawyer discipline issues and expected AllBright lawyers to maintain their professional ethics and to offer first class services to clients.

An awards ceremony for outstanding staff was held to conclude the meeting. Six AllBright members – Jia Liheng, Gan Guo, Hu Xiao, Zhu Yuhan, Kang Dan, and Dai Junwon -- won awards and delivered acceptance speeches.
